Archive for yellow fever

Another explanation for “yellow fever”

Posted in College life with tags , , , , , , , , , on May 8, 2008 by chthenos

“Yellow fever.” You’ve probably heard of it. It’s a slang term for the phenomenon of white guys exclusively being romantically interested in Asian girls*. Other than politics, it’s the one thing about Westerners that pisses off Asian dudes the most. Part of why it’s so annoying is that it seems to be completely arbitrary. Some of the most standard keystones of the Western conception of beauty (blond hair, large breasts, curvy hips) occur very rarely (if not only artificially) among Asian women. But a lot of white guys like Asian girls anyway, and people are always coming up with various socially-oriented justifications for this.

I don’t want to flog a dead horse, so I’m not going to rehash the old debates. I just want to propose a completely different reason that a small minority of white guys suffering from yellow fever might have. This minority is the group of nerdy white guys.

Here’s the thing: there’s a general cultural split along intellectual lines in America, where the majority of Americans look down on academia and higher education, and a small minority of “nerdy” types pursue academia intensely (though possibly applying their knowledge to industry later, they remain part of the intellectual elite). There’s also still a fair amount of gender discrimination against girls in academia and professional jobs; although this has been abating for some time, it’s still quite strong in some places. But these things haven’t really been absorbed into the mindset of the typical Asian immigrant family.

So imagine that you’re a white nerdy dude, and you’re in high school, college, working for a high tech firm, whatever. What sort of women are going to be around you that value knowledge, learning, intellectual curiosity? What sort of women will have similar interest in science, math, computers, “nerdy” stuff? There will be disproportionately many Asian women! At my school, for example, there are far more Asian women in the analytical sciences and scientific engineering departments than there are white, Hispanic, black, or women of any other ethnicity (combined).

Now look at the plight of the nerdy white guy. He isn’t attractive to the typical white girl, and (other than physically) she isn’t too attractive to him either. However, the typical Asian girl (at least that the nerdy white guy is likely to encounter) is far more likely to share interests and values with him, so it’s only natural for him to develop a general preference for Asian girls.

Just a thought. I know for sure that I stereotype people I meet in this way.

*As far as I know, “yellow fever” is exclusively used to refer to white guys’ preference for Asian girls, but I’m not really well acquainted with many gay people, so I’m not sure if they use it to refer to white guys’ preference for Asian guys or white girls’ preference for Asian girls. However, I imagine that for similar reasons to the ones I gave above, if I were gay I’d still prefer Asian guys. Most of my male friends right now are Asian.